Zimbabwe is a resource rich and peaceful country that is the gateway to Southern Africa and the continent at large. The economy is on the rebound, buoyed by sound policies that the Government has put in place, together with the re-engagement of the international community, to complement the re-engagement with International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and bilateral debtors.
Zimbabwe presents the following unique selling points to potential investors:
- Centrally and strategically located in the SADC region which provides a regional gateway: North-South Corridor & East-West Corridor ; Regional logistics Hub for rail, roads and air transport;
• Diversified Economy – Manufacturing, Agriculture, Mining, Tourism, and Services Sectors;
• Vast National Resources – Minerals, Wildlife, Cultural. There are over 55 exploitable minerals;
• Versatile Human Resources – Highly skilled and trainable labour force, with high literacy rates at more than 90%;
• Pro-market policies that government is implementing such as Ease of Doing Business; development of the one-stop shop concept – the Zimbabwe Investment Development Agency (ZIDA); fully liberalised current account which facilitates ease of doing business; dividends freely remittable; fair competition laws and protection of property rights.
• Existence of Investment Promotion & Protection Agreements (BIPPAs) to protect investments;
• Special Economic Zones
• Zimbabwe is a member of several regional trade arrangements – such as COMESA, SADC and the COMESA-East African Community (EAC)-SADC Tripartite with a combined population of approximately 600 million and a GDP of around US$1 trillion- this opens vast opportunities in the regional market;
• Zimbabwe is also a member of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area with a population of 1.2 billion and a combined GDP of US$2.5 trillion. This makes it an ideal entry point for the continental market.
• Zimbabwe is a party to the Interim Economic Partnership Agreement (iEPA) between the European Union (EU) and the East and Southern Africa (ESA) countries, (Mauritius, Seychelles, Madagascar, Comoros and Zimbabwe). The iEPA provides a Duty Free, Quota Free market access into the EU and also encourages regional integration.
Priority Sectors
Zimbabwe has vast investment opportunities across all sectors and geographic regions. See the links below:
For information on Priority Sectors click the links below: