Zimbabwe has vast mineral resources , with over 60 different minerals  throughout the country. The country’s rich mineral resource base holds gold, precious stones, other gemstones, base metals and energy minerals. The mineral resource base presents lucrative opportunities for exploration, mining and beneficiation. Mineral exports account for over 50% of the country’s foreign export earnings. The sector contributes about 16% to the GDP.

The Great Dyke hosts the world’s second largest reserves of platinum group metals (PGM). The country has more than 4 000 recorded gold deposits, 90% of which are associated with greenstone belts that are some of the richest in the world. The country also has the largest chrome ore resources in the world.

The country presents vast opportunities in the diamond sector, from mining to value addition and beneficiation. It is estimated that Zimbabwe has 25% of the world’s diamond reserves.

Zimbabwe is estimated to have more than 20 Trillion Cubic Feet (TFC) of quality Coal Bed Methane available for exploration and production.

There are an estimated over 26 billion tonnes of coal reserves. The Hwange area has large reserves of both coking and thermal coal.

The country currently exports about 166 000 cubic metres of raw granite per annum.

Investment Opportunities in The Mining Sector


Mineral Exploration and Extraction Gold, Coal, Coal-Bed Methane, Chrome, Black Granite, Diamonds ·         New Project Development·         Resuscitation of closed mines and recapitalization of Lithium and Nickel mines
Value Addition Lithium ·         Lithium chemicals·         Lithium Batteries
Limestone ·         Cement
Gold ·         Jewellery
Black Granite ·         Construction Industry·         Dimensional Stone Polishing
DiamondGemstones and semi-precious stones ·         Cutting and Polishing·         Jewellery
Iron Ore, Nickel and Chrome ·         Steel mnufacturing
Coal ·         Conversion of coal to liquid fuel·         Electricity generation for domestic consumption and export

·         Cement and brick manufacturing (using ash from combusted coal)

·         Fertilizer manufacturing

Phosphate and Coal Bed Methane ·         Fertilizer manufacturing
Platinum ·         Platinum refinery
Chrome ore ·         Chrome ore processing
Iron and Steel ·         Resuscitation of ZISCOSTEEL